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Completed Environmental Projects

Species At Risk Assessment

Elk Valley Traditional Ecological Assessment – CoastRange Environmental, 2023

SCL contributed as an author to a larger report with a focus on mining impacts to the Elk Valley watershed. While responsible for fish and fish habitat, and water quality sections, SCL was also a contributing author for a species at risk assessment. This included a desktop review of species at risk occurrences and mapped critical habitat within an approximate 360,000 ha area, and a literature review of projects within this footprint. SCL provided critical habitat descriptions for each species at risk found within the watershed, ranking them based on likelihood of being impacted by mines. Furthermore, mitigation measures were provided for the most vulnerable species.


Environmental Monitoring / Water Quality Monitoring

Cabot Golf Course Water Quality Monitoring – Revelstoke Mountain Resort, 2022-Ongoing

To facilitate clearing and grubbing for Cabot Golf Course, SCL conducted bi-weekly water quality monitoring to ensure compliance with BC’s Water Quality Standards.


Environmental Protection Plans

731 Block Walkway Construction Project – MATCON, 2022

SCL developed an EPP for Matcon Excavation and Shoring Ltd. for the construction of walkways and anchor covers near Revelstoke Dam. This EPP highlighted the potential environmental impacts as it relates to the work tasks carried out by Matcon, and the corresponding environmental mitigation measures.


Vegetation Inventory

Section 11 Water Sustainability Act – Private Client

To complete a Riparian Areas Protection Regulation assessment and to ensure accordance with the Water Sustainability Act, SCL was retained by a private client to assess the vegetation on the proposed project site. This included identifying plant species and determining the percent cover of each for the groundcover, midstory, and overstory components. The results of this assessment guided the restoration of riparian areas following site disturbance.


Biophysical Assessments

Sunnyside Wildlife Impact Survey – Revelstoke Cycling Association, 2022

SCL conducted a desktop review to identify vegetation, wildlife, and fish at risk that may be present throughout the study site. Field visits were also completed to observe wildlife and create a vegetation species list. Collecting information such as this allowed SCL to understand site characteristics, how to best carryout the camera trapping that followed, and provide wholistic mitigation recommendations.


Invasive Plant Surveys

Reed Canary Grass Mapping in Proposed Restoration Area – Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society, 2022

To facilitate and guide a proposed restoration plan, SCL mapped invasive reed canary grass within the proposed project area. Additionally, SCL identified several invasive species such as burdock, spotted knapweed, vetch, tansy, morning glory, and Canada thistle.



Riparian Areas Protection Regulation Assessment – Absolute Contracting, 2022

SCL conducted a detailed assessment for the expansion of a works yard within 30 m of two adjacent streams. SCL delineated the stream boundary and retained a Registered Professional Forester to assess danger trees, windthrow, and rootzones in the Streamside Protection Enhancement Area. A site plan was developed and the RAPR report was completed and accepted by the Province.


Fish Surveys / Salvage

Mt. MacPherson Fish Assessment – BC Timber Sales, 2022

SCL completed a fish presence / non-detection and passage assessment on a series of unnamed tributaries of Wells Creek near Revelstoke, BC. SCL was retained to determine if these streams were fish bearing to determine how future infrastructure upgrades are designed. Project work included obtaining a fish collection permit, assessing fish passage and identifying mitigation barriers, fish identification and handling, minnow trapping and electrofishing, habitat assessments, mapping, and report writing.


Fish Surveys / Salvage

Stream 7 Diversion Fish Salvage – Pennecon Heavy Civil Ltd., 2022

SCL installed isolation nets up- and downstream of instream works and conducted fish salvage via electrofishing and minnow traps, releasing captured fish downstream of project works.


Wildlife Monitoring / Inventory

Sunnyside Wildlife Impact Survey – Revelstoke Cycling Association, 2022

SCL conducted a wildlife survey following the Trail Environmental Screening Tool per Recreation Sites and Trails BC’s newest trail assessment protocol for a popular biking / hiking trail in Revelstoke, BC. This included preparing maps, assessment of environmental impacts, wildlife camera trapping, and developing mitigation measures and a monitoring program for the Revelstoke Cycling Association.


Bird Surveys

Bird Surveys & Nest Sweeps on Canadian Pacific Railways – Davey Tree Experts Co., 2022

SCL completed bird surveys and nest sweeps along CP Rail right of way between Golden and Cranbrook, BC, for brushing works to ensure compliance with the Migratory Birds Convention Act and BC Wildlife Act.


Amphibian Salvage

Amphibian Salvage – Pennecon Heavy Civil Ltd., 2022

SCL conducted an emergency amphibian salvage along an approximate 1 km highway ditch. Western toad (Anaxyrus boreas) and Columbia spotted frog (Rana luteiventris) tadpoles and froglets, respectively, and long-toed salamander (Ambystoma macrodactylum) larvae were salvaged and relocated to suitable habitat.


Ecological Restoration

Riparian Restoration Project – A&T Project Developments, 2021-2022

SCL created a riparian restoration plan for a wetland impacted by exploratory drilling and geotechnical surveys. This included implementing erosion control measures, applying a native seed mix, and planting native riparian species that were historically found in the area. Following planting, SCL conducted plant survivorship surveys to monitor restoration success. Ultimately, the subject site showed signs of natural regeneration and overall plant survivorship was satisfactory.


Invasive Plant Surveys

Invasive Plant Species Inventory – Revelstoke Mountain Resort, 2021

To facilitate a baseline conditions study and to prevent further spread of invasive plant species, SCL mapped, identified, reported, and provided mitigation measures for several invasive species including Himalayan balsam, yellow archangel, knotweed, and yellow loosestrife on a proposed golf course footprint.


Environmental Monitoring / Water Quality Monitoring

Highway 1 Four-Laning Project / Bridge Replacement Environmental Monitoring– Pennecon Heavy Civil Ltd., 2021-Ongoing

SCL conducted weekly environmental monitoring to ensure compliance with the Project’s Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) and provided environmental guidance and support where needed.


Bat Surveys

Bat Roost & Emergence Survey at Snowforest Campground – Parks Canada Agency, 2021

Following the identification of several danger trees, SCL was retained to conduct preliminary and secondary tree surveys to assess bat habitat. Following these assessments, SCL performed emergence and acoustic surveys to determine bat presence / non-detection.


Environmental Assessments / Baseline Studies

Baseline Study for Cabot Golf Course – Revelstoke Mountain Resort, 2021

SCL implemented a study to determine baseline environmental conditions for Cabot Golf Course. This included completing wildlife surveys for raptors, herptiles, bats, and mammals, to understand what species are present and how they may utilize ecological niches found within the Property. Invasive plant surveys and water quality assessments were also conducted to prevent further spread of invasives and to establish baseline conditions for streams, respectively. Findings were analyzed and compiled into a report that included recommendations for impact avoidance and mitigation measures.


Quartz Creek Bridge Replacement and Four-Laning

Construction Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: May 2021 – Present

Project: SCL prepared a Construction Environmental Management Plan (CEMP) for the Quartz Creek Bridge Replacement and Four-Laning Project along the Trans-Canada Highway 1 and provides environmental support for the project as per the CEMP.


Services: CEMP, environmental monitoring, erosion and sediment control plans, channel diversion plans, water quality monitoring, bird nest surveys, habitat surveys for species-at-risk, bio-inventories and provincial permit applications.


Ecological Restoration

Blanket Creek Restoration Project – Columbia Shuswap Invasive Species Society, 2020 – Ongoing

SCL helped to develop a planting prescription for a gravel pit in Blanket Creek Provincial Park. This included the addition of topsoil, seeding, and two installments of native shrubs and trees. SCL also provided guidance on monitoring and maintenance protocols.


Riparian Areas Assessments (RAPR)

Regulatory submissions and approvals

Duration: 2020 – Present

Project: SCL has extensive experience providing bespoke guidance for a range of residential projects to help clients navigate the local and provincial permitting requirements surrounding developments on or in proximity to riparian areas. Under the Riparian Areas Protection Act, lands within 30 m of a watercourse (i.e., ditch, stream, ravine, wetland or lake) are protected and may require a Riparian Assessment.


Services: Riparian Assessments are conducted by a Qualified Environmental Professional (QEP) and provide a means of determining the appropriate width of a stream setback, while still providing satisfactory protection to the watercourse.


French Creek Mine Revegetation Plan

Bio-Inventory and Revegetation Plan

Duration: July 2020

Project: SCL conducted a desktop review and bio-inventory of the French Creek Mine Site to inform a tailored revegetation plan. Recommendations for revegetation included a bespoke native plant inventory and best practice planting methods.


Services: Bio-inventory and tailored revegetation plan.


Glacier National Park Bird and Bat Surveys

Protected Species Surveys and Reporting

Duration: June 2020

Project: SCL surveyed three danger trees, identified by the Parks Canada Agency (PCA), to determine the presence or absence of birds and bats. Trees were surveyed visually before dusk using binoculars and after dusk trees were surveyed audibly using a Wildlife Acoustic’s Echo Meter Touch 2.


Services: Acoustic and visual protected species surveys.


731 Block Stability Improvements

Environmental Protection Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: March 2020 – Present

Project: Prepared an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP), which included a concrete/shotcrete management plan and erosion and sediment control plan. SCL provides environmental support for the project, as per the EPP.


Services: EPP, bird surveys and nest sweeps, herpetofauna salvages, habitat assessments, impact mitigation plans for species-at-risk, provincial permit applications, environmental monitoring, erosion and sediment control plan and water quality monitoring.

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Environmental Protection Plans

Snow Forest Campground Paving Project – Valley Blacktop, 2020

SCL developed an EPP for Valley Blacktop for a paving project in Mount Revelstoke National Park. This EPP included site specific environmental protection actions, avoidance and mitigation measures, and responsibilities of staff during project implementation.


Walter Hardman Dam Fish Salvage

Trans-Canada Highway Illecillewaet Four-Laning

Duration: October 2019

Project: SCL provided environmental support to BC Hydro while they made improvements to the operating gate at the Walter Hardman dam situated south of Revelstoke.


Services: Fish salvage.

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Trans-Canada Highway Illecillewaet Four-Laning

Environmental Protection Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: June 2019 – November 2021

Project: Coordinated preparation of an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the Illecillewaet Brake Check road improvement project along the Tran-Canada Highway 1. SCL acted as the primary environmental support throughout the duration of the project, as per the EPP.


Services: EPP, environmental monitoring, erosion and sediment control plans, channel diversion plans, water quality monitoring, bird nest surveys and contaminated soil disposal.


Mt. Stephens Avalanche Control Mitigation - Yoho National Park

Environmental Protection Plan

Duration: May 2019 - September 2019

Project: Prepared an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for environmental management during the installation of three remote Avalanche Control Systems (RACS) along the Trans-Canada highway in Yoho National Park.


Services: EPP, bird nest surveys, erosion and sediment control plan, spill response plan and whitebark pine survey.


Forest Service Road Bridge Removal

Environmental Protection Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: April 2019 - September 2019

Project: SCL created the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the decommission of three steel girder timber deck bridges in the Revelstoke portion of the Columbia Operating Area as part of the Ministry of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource Operations and Rural Development / BC Timber Sales Forest Service Road Bridge Removal and Disposal Project. The project involved instream work (stream crossings and bank restoration) at two fish-bearing creeks that drain into the Columbia River at Lake Revelstoke.


Services: EPP, instream works plan, erosion and sediment control plan, provincial permit applications, fish salvages, water quality monitoring, environmental monitoring, bird nest surveys, bat surveys, amphibian surveys and environmental orientation review.


Cougar Corner Road Improvements

Environmental Protection Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: May 2019 - July 2019

Project: SCL provided an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the road improvements and installation of avalanche mitigation (roadway and drainage excavation) at the Cougar Corner section of the Trans-Canada Highway 1. During construction SCL also completed numerous environmental services to ensure the project remained in compliance with best practice work procedures and mitigation plans featured in the EPP.


Services: EPP, instream works plan, erosion and sediment control plan, bird nest surveys, protected species surveys, environmental monitoring, water quality monitoring and an environmental orientation review.


Connaught Creek Dam Removal - Glacier National Park

Trans-Canada Highway Illecillewaet Four-Laning

Duration: April 2019 - September 2019

Project: Prepared an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the removal of a dam on Connaught Creek in Glacier National Park. SCL provided environmental support for the duration of the project, as per the EPP.


Services: EPP, water quality monitoring and reporting, environmental monitoring, fish passage assessment, fish salvage and bird nest surveys.


Trans-Canada Highway Pavement Rehabilitation

Environmental Protection Plan

Duration: May 2018 – June 2018

Project: SCL was retained to provide an Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the pavement rehabilitation project along the Trans-Canada Highway in Glacier National Park. The EPP included an erosion and sediment control plan, hazardous waste mitigation plan and wildlife management measures.


Services: EPP


Illecillewaet Curve Safety 1A

Environmental Protection Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: May 2018 – October 2018

Project: SCL coordinated the preparation of the Environmental Protection Plan (EPP) for the lane widening and addition of retaining walls along the Trans-Canada Highway 1 in Glacier National Park, British Columbia. SCL also provided numerous environmental services during construction, as per the EPP.


Services: EPP, environmental monitoring, instream works plan, erosion and sediment control plan, bird nest surveys, water quality monitoring, fish salvages and environmental orientation review.


Snow Forest Campground – Mount Revelstoke National Park

Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: May 2018 – June 2018

Project: Provided an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to mitigate flooding associated with beaver activity, while aiming to preserve wetlands within the Project Area. SCL installed two beaver pond levelers to help mitigate upstream flooding, prior to work commencing at the campground.


Services: EMP, wetland identification, watercourse mapping, beaver dam mitigation design, provincial permitting, beaver dam pond leveler construction and installation, and post construction monitoring.


Snow Forest Campground – Mount Revelstoke National Park

Environmental Management Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: May 2018 – June 2018

Project: SCL created an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the Snow Forest Campground located in Mt. Revelstoke National Park. Habitat favourable to Coeur d’Alene Salamander was identified during the preliminary stages of the project. SCL provided a mitigation plan, completed night surveys and monitored for salamander activity.


Services: EMP, storm water management plan, sediment and erosion control plan, bird nest surveys, bat survey, Species-at-Risk mitigation plan, Coeur d’Alene salamander survey and environmental monitoring.


Stormwater Management Plan - Revelstoke, BC

Trans-Canada Highway Illecillewaet Four-Laning

Duration: January 2018 - May 2018

Project: Provided an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) for the long-term management of seasonal storm water run-off at the facility.


Services: EMP, stormwater management plan, water quality sampling, review of provincial and federal water quality guidelines and provision of a long-term monitoring plan.


Invasive Species Management - Glacier National Park

Environmental Support

Duration: October 2017

Project: Conducted an invasive plant species inventory and mechanical removal of invasive plant species from a section of the Trans-Canada highway in Glacier National Park. ​


Services: Plant ID, invasive plant species removal and technical reporting.


Greely Creek Wetland – Beaver Mitigation

Environmental Management Plan

Duration: May 2017 – October 2018

Project: SCL provided an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) to mitigate beaver flooding while aiming to preserve valuable wetland habitat. Mitigation efforts included the installation of two beaver pond levelers.


Services: Wetland identification, watercourse mapping, beaver dam mitigation design, EMP, Changes In and About a Stream Notification, beaver dam pond leveler construction and installation, and post construction monitoring.


Wildlife Overview Assessment - Greely, BC

Environmental Support

Duration: May 2017 - October 2018

Project: 300-Hectare wildlife and habitat assessment.


Services: Completed a large scale habitat assessment for the area.  


Post Dredge Grain Size Study – Shuswap River, BC

Multi-Year Scientific Study

Duration: 2015 - 2018

Project: Quantified changes in grain size distribution downstream of a 6MW hydroelectric dam after the release of dredged material.


Services: Grain size measurements, statistical analysis, catraft rental, safety services, river-raft guide services and technical reporting.

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Environmental Monitoring - Revelstoke Dam

Environmental Support

Duration: February 2014 - September 2014

Project: Deep precision drilling and installation of piezometers. SCL acted as onsite Environmental Monitor.


Services: Ensured all environmental management procedures were followed, conducted an environmental orientation, site specific recommendations for improved environmental performance and weekly reporting.

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Environmental Monitoring - Duncan Dam, BC

Trans-Canada Highway Illecillewaet Four-Laning

Duration: 2014 

Project: Duncan Dam Left Abutment Drainage Isolation Project.


Services: Onsite environmental monitoring, soil sampling and reporting.

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Riparian Restoration Plan – Revelstoke, BC

Restoration Plan and Environmental Support

Duration: June 2013 – September 2013

Project: Pawlitsky Spring riparian restoration plan.


Services: Native plant selection and arrangement, bioengineered bank stabilization, plant installation monitoring and reporting.

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Environmental Monitoring – Mica Dam, BC

Environmental Support

Duration: November 2012 - November 2013

Project: SCL provided environmental support during drilling works for the installation of Mica Dam instrumentation.​


Services: Environmental monitoring, soil and water sampling, and reporting.

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Western Toad Breeding Survey - Mica Dam, BC

Trans-Canada Highway Illecillewaet Four-Laning

Duration: 2010 - 2014

Project: Breeding survey for western toads at Mica Dam​.


Services: Night-time mortality studies, egg mass presence absence survey and field reporting. 


© 2022 Shearing Consultants Limited, a BC environmental consulting firm.

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